• 22 октября 2016, суббота
  • Москва, Павловская 18

Team Coaching Certification

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2743 дня назад
с 9:00 22 октября до 18:00 20 ноября 2016
Павловская 18

A unique training in Team Coaching leaded by a team of two international ICC coaching-trainers is going to take place in Moscow this autumn. 6 days, 2 trainers in 2 languages will teach 20 coaches the art of being Professional Team Coaches. After the course and all the tasks are done — everyone can become a Professional Certified ICC Team Coach.

This training is one of the few that specialize in Team Coaching in Business. Team Coaching is one of the fastest growing markets in business.

Organizations are hiring coaches to work with their teams, and team coaching is not the same as individual coaching.

This course will give you invaluable and supervised experience in team coaching, and make you an effective accredited Team business coach, able to help teams perform at their best.

Team coaching is one of the fastest growing markets in business and any coach who works in business needs to be an excellent Team Coach.

This training is an advanced, specialist team coaching training, one of the very few specialist courses available for Team Coaching in South America.


Ludmila Frolova — international coaching-trainer with more than 30 years experience in trainings, psychology, NLP and coaching. Living in Denmark, Ludmila has groups in Russia, Ukraine.

Daniel Alvarez — official Trainer of International Coaching Community in Spain in individual y team coaching; Professor of “The Company and the Bank relationship"; Scientific Coordinator of the 5 editions of  Xornadas Internacionais de Coaching and many more. 


This training requires 120 hours of study, including Planning and Preparation, the Team Coaching course and Certification activities


During the course you will learn:

  • Definitions and structure of team coaching in business.
  • The characteristics of high performance teams and how to develop them.
  • The obstacles to high performance and how to deal with them.
  • Advanced questioning skills to bring out the best in teams.
  • Teams as a system – using leverage points and feedback.
  • Getting agreement and clarity about team goals.
  • Working with team values.
  • The different stages of teams and how to deal with them.
  • Using psycho geography in team coaching.
  • How to measure team performance.
  • Dealing with conflict in teams.
  • The psychogeography of teams and how to work with it.
  • How to structure effective team action plans.
  • Utilizing team values for motivation.
  • Choosing from different methods of team coaching.


1. Planning and Preparation (16 hours of work)

  • Planning your work and goals for the course.
  • Writing a review of a book from a given reading list.
  • Going through self-assessment questionnaires to plan your training

You can complete your work online through the International Coaching Community Training Campus

2. Team Coaching Training (54 hours of work)

The Team Coaching Training is a six day training and is the heart of the course. Topics mentioned above will be covered during the training.

Each day there will be a short exercise as homework to reflect on the day.

The trainer will be evaluating throughout the training and is available to give you feedback during the training if you wish.

Your coaching skills as observed by the trainer are the most important part of the evaluation.

You will get plenty of opportunities to practice your team coaching skills.

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


3. Certification Assignments (50 hours of work)

Those participants who wish to be certified as ICC Team Coach will need to complete the following projects after the training.

  • An integration questionnaire about the training to complete.
  • A written test.
  • A research project.
  • A self coaching project.
  • 20 hours of coaching skills practice (With at least two teams).


Who is this course for?

For Coaches, this course is the opportunity to expand and leverage the services you offered to clients, increasing the organizational impact of interventions with Business Teams.

For Leaders and Managers, allows this course allows discovering a new way to interact with your teams, developing empowerment processes needed for high performance teams.

For people working on HR areas looking for new ways to intervene and support internal clients and teams.

About the authors of this training

This Team Coaching Certification Training is a Lambent training course, introduce in Moscow by the Coach Liga (League) company.

Training graduates are certified by ICC — International Coaching Community (UK from 2001). 


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